A Scary Trend

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Tips for Posting to the site

Here are some ideas for how to contribute valuable posts to the site. Title your post with the topic or academic area of study Assign your post a category so it will go to the right place Write a brief summary of the learning question or activity If it is a lesson or activity, enumerate the steps Include pictures if possible! Here is an example: Teaching the Alphabet through Reading I have had success using letter cut outs or magnetic letters during reading to bring my child’s attention to the letters we… Read More

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What is important to learn?

What is ESSENTIAL to know and be able to do? What is the goal of education? A rationale for home education. With the freedom allowed by homeschooling comes the great responsibility of choosing what to teach (or if you are an unschooling proponent, how to respond). This leads me to the burning question that we all ask ourselves as human beings interacting in the world: what is important? What should we focus on? Where are we headed and why? The idea of the “Race to Nowhere” has challenged us to rethink our… Read More

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New feature!

I have added a new feature to the menu. If you are an author or an editor for this site, you will be able to add category tags to your posts, which will filter them directly into the category page. Each category page is listed in the dropdown menu for the corresponding tab. Any posts that are left uncategorized will be filtered into “Trending Posts.” Ask me about becoming an author and having the ability to create your own posts! Otherwise, you may contribute by adding comments and rating or liking the… Read More

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Getting Started

This site is for you all, the home educators of the world. Let’s admit it, being a child’s English, Science, History, Math and LIFE teacher is an outsized responsibility for just one person. Educating and raising up our next generation of young people is and should be a community responsibility. Let’s learn together and teach one another how to share the job. For some of us, it may mean letting go of the idea that you are your child’s main teacher. For others, it may mean finding increasing ways to support families… Read More

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